Hey there! Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We're a couple of pagans with a shared love for all things weird and wonderful. Let's get the intros out of the way—one of us is experienced and wise old crone, steeped in all the old traditions and knowledge. The other is a newbie, a fair maiden totally excited to delve into the mysteries of the universe and share the cool stuff we find.
We started this blog because we were tired of wading through countless search engine results trying to find legit occult info. So, our mission's pretty simple—make a comfy space for seekers like us to find those hard-to-find answers on the first try.
In this place, you'll find a wealth of knowledge, from rituals to spells to ancient texts. We've carefully gathered it all here to feed your curiosity. We dive deep into all sorts of stuff like pagan festivals, sacred rituals, and the intriguing lives of famous figures in magic. We're peeling back the layers of history to reveal all sorts of secrets that can light up your spiritual journey.
Come with us as we explore every nook and cranny of occult lore, decode cryptic grimoires, and piece together the mystery of existence. Whether you've been doing this forever or you're just starting out, our blog is the perfect place to continue your journey, learn some stuff, and grow up, out, down, or which ever way you like.
So dive on in! Explore the occult, get a feel for pagan traditions, and discover all the amazing things hidden beyond everyday life. Let's do this thing together, blending old knowledge with fresh insights to create our own wonderful, magical life.
Catch you in the comments,
The Old Crone and the Fair Maiden